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Introducing Helix

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Rust + Ruby, Without The Glue.

This post is a write-up of the talk I gave at RailsConf 2016. You can find the slides here.

There's a lot to love about Ruby – the sweet syntax, the focus on developer productivity and happiness, the mature ecosystem, and of course, the awesome community we built around the language.

One thing that Ruby is not known for though, is being a particularly fast language.

In the real world, a lot of real-world workloads are I/O bound, so this didn't end up mattering all that much. Since I/O operations (accessing your hard drive or database) are so much slower than the speed of the computations, the performance difference isn't really a bottleneck.

However, there are still plenty of CPU bound workload in the world, and you might occasionally encounter them in your application – number crunching, machine learning, image processing, video compression, etc. Sure, we have come a long way, but it is still prohibitively expensive to implement these kind of algorithms in pure-Ruby.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are low-level system languages like C. They have almost none of the features we love about Ruby, but since they are much Closer To The Metal™, you will be able to squeeze out every last drop of performance you need.

Native Extensions: Best Of Both Worlds

Fortunately, you actually can have your cake and eat it too. Ruby has a pretty awesome native extension API which allows you to implement the expensive computations in C but expose them via those sweet sweet Ruby APIs to your end-users.

For example, when you type gem install json in your terminal, you are actually getting two different implementations for the price of one. Included in the bundle is a module called JSON::Pure, which implements the entire JSON encoding/decoding API you know and love in pure-Ruby.

However, chances are that it will not be what you are actually using. If you system supports it, the gem will also compile and install a module called JSON::Ext, which re-implements the same API in C.

Needless to say, the C implementation is much faster than the pure-Ruby version, but otherwise there are no noticeable differences. This shows why the Ruby C API is so awesome – as far as your end-users can tell, it feels just like programming in Ruby and they will benefit from the performance boost without even knowing it.

Delivering Programmer Happiness

Just like Ruby, Rails is also pretty obsessed with programmer happiness. Here is a quote from David, the creator of Ruby on Rails:

Here’s a general value for Rails development: We will jump through hoops on the implementation to make the user-facing API nicer.

David Heinemeier Hansson

Take Active Support's core extension method String#blank? for example. Here is the code:

class String  
  # A string is blank if it's empty or contains whitespaces only:
  #   ''.blank?       # => true
  #   '   '.blank?    # => true
  #   "\t\n\r".blank? # => true
  #   ' blah '.blank? # => false
  # Unicode whitespace is supported:
  #   "\u00a0".blank? # => true
  def blank?
    /\A[[:space:]]*\z/ === self

Note: This method received some improvements lately, but for the purpose of our discussion this slimed down version works just fine.

This method checks if a given string is, well, blank, which is pretty handy for validating web forms and other kinds of user input. Since Ruby allows us to re-open core classes, we can simply add the method to the String class directly. Sweeeeet.

Perhaps because it is so sweet and so handy, this method is used extensively in a lot Rails apps, both in framework code and in user code. In fact, it is popular enough to be one of the performance hotspots for a lot of Rails apps.

Here is an idea. Why don't we implement this method C to make it faster?

That's exactly what Sam Saffron did with his fast_blank gem. All you need to do is to drop fast_blank into your Gemfile and everything Just Works™.

According to Sam, this implementation is up to 20X faster and could result in a 5% improvement on macro benchmarks. Well worth the trouble to make the developer experience nicer!

So, now that we have a good way to gracefully speedup pieces of code (and fall back to pure-Ruby implementations on unsupported platforms), aren't we done here? Why don't we do this more?

But... I Am Not A System Programmer 😳

Well, there is a problem... the problem is me.

You see, I – Godfrey, the Rails core team member – don't consider myself a system programmer. Sure, I have programmed in C before, so I know just enough to be dangerous. Give me a ptr, and I know how to add enough stars to make the compiler happy. If ******ptr doesn't work, maybe try &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&ptr?

Okay, I'm being a bit hyperbolic here. But my point is, systems programming is hard. I don't mean it is hard to learn (although it is hard to learn), I mean that it is hard to get right. One small mistake, and you code could crash at runtime – or worse, behave unexpectedly and open up wild security vulnerabilities.

Am I really gonna trust myself to the responsibility of writing code that goes into everyone's Rails applications in C? Is the performance gain really worth the risk? Will I be able to find other contributors to help maintain the code?

Skylight's Featherweight Agent

Once upon a time, we had to face the same tradeoff here at Skylight.

The first version of the Skylight agent was written in Ruby. Since we need to hook into Rails, a Ruby agent is the natural choice. That solution lasted us a while, but we soon ran into performance and memory issues.

Since the Skylight agent is an always-on profiler that lives inside our customers' production applications, one of our highest priorities is to keep the overhead as minimal as possible – say, comparable to using syslog for logging.

We were able to keep it more-or-less under control in the Ruby agent, but as we looked into adding features like allocation tracking, the performance penalty got prohibitively expensive.

The answer has always been obvious – just rewrite the agent as a native extension. However, the same questions remain:

Even though our engineers do understand the difference between the reference and dereference operators, do we really feel comfortable putting our C code in customers' production applications? Can we afford the risk? Will everyone on our team be able to work on the code and keep shipping new features?

Could there be an alternative to C (and C++) that gives us the Best Of Both Worlds™?

Hack Without Fear

Meet Rust, a "systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety". That's plenty of buzzwords to swallow, so I'll try to break it down a little.

Just like C (and unlike Ruby), Rust is a compiled, statically-typed language. Before your code can be executed, you must first run it through the compiler, which checks for and prevents a large amount of programmer errors. Instead of allowing them to bubble up at runtime and potentially crashing your program, the compiler would just refuse to compile your code.

Unlike C, Rust has a sufficiently advanced type system (and a carefully designed set of features), which allows the compiler to guarantee runtime memory safety.

This means that if you have successfully compiled a Rust program, it will not segfault at runtime.

The memory safety guarantee might sound ludicrous if you are coming from a system programming background, but of course high-level languages like Ruby have always provided this kind of guarantee. You simply cannot perform an operation in Ruby that would cause the VM to access memory illegally and segfault.

What is neat about this is that the Rust team has figured out how to guarantee memory safety without a garbage collector. Rust has a pretty cool ownership system that both eliminates the need for manual memory management and eliminate whole classes of memory management hazards. As a nice bonus, the lifetime-tracking also makes it possible to handle concurrency without data races.

Zero-cost Abstractions

So the safety aspect is nice, but to me Rust's coolest meta-feature is zero-cost abstractions.

In languages like Ruby, there is often a tension between writing/using high-level abstractions and performance.

For example, it would be nice to split up a big method into a bunch of smaller methods, but method calls aren't free; using things like each and map is nice, but they are much slower than a hand-crafted loop; Symbol#to_proc is sweet, but it comes with a pretty heavy performance penalty.

A lot of times, these details doesn't matter, but in performance-sensitive areas, every little thing counts.

In Rust, you don't have to make these kind of trade-offs.

As a compiled-language, Rust (just like C and C++) is able to deeply analyze your code at compile-time and eliminate the runtime cost associated with almost all kinds of abstractions. This allows you to liberally modularize your code for maintainability without sacrificing performance.

In fact, the Rust compiler can produce faster code when you use high-level constructs. For example, when you use an iterator, Rust can eliminate bounds checks that would be necessary to guarantee safety in a hand-rolled loop. By giving the compiler more information to work with, it will be able to do a better job at optimizing your code.

I cannot get into much more detail here. If you would like a high-level overview of Rust, you can watch Yehuda's talk from last year. He also went into detail about Rust's ownership system in Rust Means Never Having to Close a Socket.

Back To fast_blank

Remember fast_blank? Let's take a look at its implementation:

static VALUE  
rb_str_blank(VALUE str)  
  rb_encoding *enc;
  char *s, *e;

  enc = STR_ENC_GET(str);
  s = RSTRING_PTR(str);
  if (!s || RSTRING_LEN(str) == 0) return Qtrue;

  e = RSTRING_END(str);
  while (s < e) {
    int n;
    unsigned int cc = rb_enc_codepoint_len(s, e, &n, enc);

    switch (cc) {
      case 9:
      case 0xa:
      case 0xb:
      case 0xc:
      case 0xd:
      case 0x20:
      case 0x85:
      case 0xa0:
      case 0x1680:
      case 0x2000:
      case 0x2001:
      case 0x2002:
      case 0x2003:
      case 0x2004:
      case 0x2005:
      case 0x2006:
      case 0x2007:
      case 0x2008:
      case 0x2009:
      case 0x200a:
      case 0x2028:
      case 0x2029:
      case 0x202f:
      case 0x205f:
      case 0x3000:
          /* found */
          return Qfalse;
    s += n;
  return Qtrue;

This code basically just loops through each character of the string, comparing each character against a list of whitespace characters. If we see anything that is not one of those characters, the string is not blank. Otherwise, if we got to the end, we know the string is blank.

One of the tricky things about this implementation is handling Unicode correctly. For one thing, you need to carefully enumerate all of the known Unicode whitespace characters by hand (which could change!). Also, since UTF-8 characters can span multiple bytes, looping through them is not as simple as incrementing a pointer (that's what rb_enc_codepoint_len is for).

But all in all, 50 lines of code for a transparent 20X speedup, not bad at all.

Let's try to implement this function in Rust:

pub extern "C" fn fast_blank(buf: Buf) -> bool {  
    buf.as_slice().chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace())

Yep. That's it! We first convert the Ruby string into a "slice" type that Rust understands, call chars() on it to get an iterator, and use the .all() method to check if all the (unicode) characters matches the predefined whitespace rules using a closure. Finally, Rust implicitly returns the value of the last statement in a function, so there is no need to write return here.

Once you get past the differences in the syntax, this actually looks surprisingly like the Ruby code we are used to writing. Since we are using things like closures and iterators, it must be much slower than the hand-crafted C version, right?

Well, let's see how they compares in a benchmark!

=========== Test String Length: 6 ===========
  Rust     11.043M (± 3.5%) i/s -     54.744M
  C        10.583M (± 8.5%) i/s -     52.464M
  Ruby    964.469k (±27.6%) i/s -      4.390M

Note: numbers reported are iterations per second, higher is better.

Wow! Surprisingly, this one-liner performs pretty similarly to the C version. In fact, it might actually be faster! Of course, that is not a very scientific claim, but I hope you will be convinced that you can indeed write high-level, perfectly safe code in Rust (just like you can in Ruby) that performs in the same ballpark as the equivalent C code.

The Magician's Secret

Alright, I have a confession to make. I haven't been completely honest with you. While the sweet sweet Rust one-liner is much shorter than the C version, that's not all the code you need to write when writing a native extension. To make it work, you need to write plenty of glue code in both the C and the Rust version. Let's take a look:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ruby.h>
#include <ruby/encoding.h>
#include <ruby/re.h>

#define STR_ENC_GET(str) rb_enc_from_index(ENCODING_GET(str))

static VALUE  
rb_string_blank(VALUE str)  
  rb_encoding *enc;

  char *s, *e;
  enc = STR_ENC_GET(str);
  s = RSTRING_PTR(str);

  if (!s || RSTRING_LEN(str) == 0) return Qtrue;

  e = RSTRING_END(str);

  while (s < e) {
    int n;
    unsigned int cc = rb_enc_codepoint_len(s, e, &n, enc);

    switch (cc) {
      case 9:
      case 0xa:
      case 0xb:
      case 0xc:
      case 0xd:
      case 0x20:
      case 0x85:
      case 0xa0:
      case 0x1680:
      case 0x2000:
      case 0x2001:
      case 0x2002:
      case 0x2003:
      case 0x2004:
      case 0x2005:
      case 0x2006:
      case 0x2007:
      case 0x2008:
      case 0x2009:
      case 0x200a:
      case 0x2028:
      case 0x2029:
      case 0x202f:
      case 0x205f:
      case 0x3000:
          return Qfalse;

    s += n;

  return Qtrue;

void Init_fast_blank()  
  rb_define_method(rb_cString, "blank?", rb_string_blank, 0);
// Rust Code

extern crate libc;

use std::{ptr, slice};  
use std::marker::PhantomData;

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Buf<'a> {  
    ptr: *mut u8,
    len: usize,
    marker: PhantomData<&'a ()>,

impl<'a> Buf<'a> {  
    pub fn as_slice(self) -> &'a str {
        unsafe {
            let s = slice::from_raw_parts(self.ptr as *const u8, self.len);

pub extern "C" fn fast_blank(buf: Buf) -> bool {  
    buf.as_slice().unwrap().chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace())

// C Code

#include <ruby.h>
#include <ruby/encoding.h>

typedef struct {  
    void* data;
    size_t len;
} fast_blank_buf_t;

static inline fast_blank_buf_t  
  return (fast_blank_buf_t) {
    .data = RSTRING_PTR(str),
    .len = RSTRING_LEN(str),

int fast_blank(fast_blank_buf_t);

static VALUE  
rb_string_blank_p(VALUE str)  
  return fast_blank(STR2BUF(str)) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

void Init_fast_blank()  
  rb_define_method(rb_cString, "blank?", rb_string_blank_p, 0);

The highlighted portions are the C and Rust snippets I have shown previously. The code around it is the glue code you need to write to make the extension work. So even though the body of the Rust function is much shorter, if you include the glue code, they add up to be almost the same amount of code.

This is not all bad news. For one thing, we turned to Rust because we wanted speed and safety. If we get those two things with the same amount of code, it's still a big win. Furthermore, the function body is the logic that is actually unique to the extension, which is a cost we have to pay for every new method we want to add; whereas the glue code is largely boilerplate that can be shared and reused.

If the glue code is sharable, wouldn't it be great if someone did the work to extract them into a library?

Meet Helix

Well, I'm glad you asked! Yehuda and I have been working on a project called Helix. Helix is a bridge between Rust and Ruby (it's also a real bridge) and part of Dave Herman's grand plan for the Rust Bridge project.

Let's look at how we would implement fast_blank with Helix:

extern crate helix;

declare_types! {  
    reopen class RubyString {
        def is_blank(self) -> bool {
            self.chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace())

Yepppppppp. That's it! For realz this time. Promise.

Thanks to Rust's macro system, we were able to abstract away a lot of the verbosity and distill it down to the parts you actually care about, in a syntax that should be pretty familiar to Rubyists. (A big thank you to Dave for paving the way.)

Behind this deceptively small amount of code, Helix is handling a lot for us under the hood, such as safe, transparent type-transport between Ruby and Rust. This is particularly important for handling user-supplied method arguments.

In the Ruby C API, each Ruby object – be it a String, Array or an Active Record object – are all represented as VALUEs, which is just an alias for void *. This is problematic, because most C APIs expect particular kinds of objects and could potentially segfault if passed the wrong kind of object. Since almost all of these functions simply claim to take a VALUE, the C compiler will not be able to perform any useful compile time checks.

In Helix, we were able to encode and enforce the required runtime checks into the Rust type system, which allows the compiler to check for any errors at compile time. For example:

extern crate helix;

declare_types! {  
    class Console {
        def log(self, message: String) {
            println!("{:?}", message);

This defines a Ruby class called Console with an instance method log that takes a single Ruby String as input. This macro transparently checks that the user has supplied the right argument (or raises a TypeError otherwise) and transparently converts that into the Rust type according to the signature (a Rust String in this case).

All in all, Helix makes it much more ergonomic to write Ruby native extensions while providing much stronger safety guarantees. The project is still in early development phase, but we think it has shown a lot of potential.

Turbo Rails?

With Rails reaching version 5.0, there are plenty of APIs that are heavily used and extremely feature-stable. My goal with Helix is to eventually make it possible to reimplement a lot of these APIs as an native extension gem.

In my opinion, fast_blank has proven that the strategy works well – since Rails already ships with a perfectly fine pure-Ruby implementation, there is always a good fallback option on unsupported platforms. Furthermore, these features usually have very good test coverage in Rails – so all we have to do to ensure compatibility is to run the native implementations against the Rails test suite.

My next milestone is to reimplement something like Active Support's Duration class or the Inflector module in Helix. Eventually, I hope to be able to implement bigger pieces like Rails' JSON encoder or the Rails router natively. There is still a long way to go, but I think it is a worthwhile project to pursue.

What About My App?

Speeding up Rails for everyone is great, but a lot of times the biggest gains come from tuning application code.

While working on Helix, our friends at Zesty showed us an interesting problem they encountered in their app. Zesty is catering company based in San Francisco.

It turns out serving thousands of meals every day is a trickier problem than you might expect. One of the challenges is that a lot of their customers have special meal preferences – including allergies and other dietary restrictions for medical or religious reasons.

According to our friends there, their meal-matching algorithm – currently written in pure Ruby – is one of their biggest bottlenecks, sometimes taking up to 30 minutes to complete. In particular, their profiles have shown that a lot of time was spent running the following query: does a given meal fully satisfy a set of constraints?

>> meal.features
=> [3, 6, 18, 34, 50]
>> meal.features.fully_contains?([3, 18, 34])
=> true
>> meal.features.fully_contains?([6, 18, 42])
=> false

As you can see, because both the features and the constraints are modeled as a sorted array of unique integers, this boils down to checking whether the first array fully contains all the items in the second array, in other words, a set containment problem.

Since this is a pretty common problem, there is a Known Trick™ for solving it. If you look on Stack Overflow or a Ruby programming book, you will probably find the following snippet:

class Array  
  def fully_contain?(other)
    self & other == other

A sweet, sweet one-liner, just like you would expect. (Did I mention I love writing Ruby?) This piece of code works by first doing an intersection of the two arrays (i.e. producing a new array with only the items that are shared by the two arrays). Since the arrays are both pre-sorted, you can then compare the intersection with the second array – if they have exactly the same items in them, we know we have found a match.

While this one-liner is very elegant (and works well for many use cases), it is not as efficient as it could be as it doesn't take full advantage of the known parameters in our particular problem. For instance, we know the two arrays are pre-sorted and contains no duplicates – but Ruby's array intersection implementation does not. Furthermore, the & operator has to allocate a new intermediate array, causing unnecessary GC pressure.

Given what we know, we can do much better than this:

class Array  
  def fully_contain?(needle)
    return true if needle.empty?
    return false if self.empty?

    needle_length = needle.length
    return false if needle_length > self.length

    needle_position = 0
    needle_item = needle[needle_position]

    self.each do |item|
      if item == needle_item
        needle_position += 1

        if needle_position >= needle_length
          return true
          needle_item = needle[needle_position]


This version of the algorithm avoids the unnecessary book-keeping and allocations, and finds the answer in a single-pass. It works by keeping two pointers into the two arrays and increment them as we find possible matches. I won't get into too many details here, but you can take my word for it that it works. (We ran the tests!)

So, how does this compare against the naïve implementation? We ran some benchmarks on a series of different work loads, from what we can tell, this is around 2 times faster on the typical cases but could be up to 7 times faster. (Keep in mind our standalone benchmarks probably do not replicate the full effect of the GC issues in the real app.) Not bad at all!

Now that we have solved the Google interview question, why don't we try to implement this in Helix?

extern crate helix;

declare_types! {  
    reopen class Array {
        def fully_contain(self, needle: &[usize]) -> bool {
            if needle.is_empty() { return true }
            if self.is_empty() { return false }
            if needle.len > self.len { return false }

            let mut needle = needle.iter();
            let mut needle_item =;

            for item in self {
                if item == needle_item {
                    match {
                        None => return true,
                        Some(next_item) => needle_item = next_item


This is actually surprisingly readable! If you are already familiar with the syntax, it's arguably more readable – instead of manually managing the pointers like we did in Ruby, we were able to use high-level features like iterators. Ironically, using iterators here actually makes things faster, as the compiler is able to understand your intent and optimize out some unnecessary bound-checks.

So how does it compare with the Ruby versions? According to our benchmarks, the Rust implementation is consistently 10-20 times faster for the common cases but goes all the way up to 173 times faster than the naïve Ruby implementation! Of course, this is not a very scientific claim, but I hope to at least convince you that the potential is there.


Ruby Without Fear

Scripting languages are intrinsically slower than systems languages. Historically, they were designed to be used as a coordination layer and delegate to the heavier tools written in system languages like C. For example, you might write a shell script in Bash that delegates to tools unix utilities like sort, grep and wc for the heavy-lifting.

As I mentioned before, since many real-world workloads turn out to be I/O bound, and because scripting languages are so much more pleasant to use and easy to iterate on, we end up moving more and more of our code into the scripting layer instead of writing everything in system languages. Since web applications are especially I/O-heavy, that worked out wonderfully for Rails.

But we're now entering a new era where programming language implementors have taken more and more of the ergonomics of scripting languages to performance-critical languages, or even systems languages like Rust.

Our goal with the Helix project is to let you keep writing the Ruby you love, without fearing that you'll eventually hit a wall. With Helix, you can always start with Ruby, knowing that you will always have the option to move only the CPU-intensive parts to Rust instead of rewriting your entire app in a faster language (or spawning a fleet of micro-services written in Go).

In my opinion, Rust is particularly suited for this task among Ruby teams. Thanks to the strong safety guarantees built into the Rust compiler and a strong focus on abstractions, more of your team members will be able to tinker with the Rust code without worrying about introducing subtle bugs – the worst that could happen is that the program doesn't compile.

On our team, every engineer ended up picking up enough Rust to be able to fix bugs or make tweaks to our Rust agent, and we think it will continue to be true as we grow.

That's our story with Helix. There's still plenty of work to do, but the future is bright. Let's #MakeRubyGreatAgain!

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3190 days ago
This is really awesome!
San Francisco, California
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Cowardly Firing of Australian State-Funded TV Journalist Highlights the West’s Real Religion

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A TV sports commentator in Australia, Scott McIntyre, was summarily fired on Sunday by his public broadcasting employer, Special Broadcasting Services (SBS), due to a series of tweets he posted about the violence committed historically by the Australian military. McIntyre published his tweets on “Anzac Day,” a national holiday similar to Memorial Day in the U.S. which the Australian government hails as “one of Australia’s most important national occasions. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.”

Rather than dutifully waving the flag and singing mindless paeans to The Troops and The Glories of War, McIntyre took the opportunity on Anzac Day to do what a journalist should do: present uncomfortable facts, question orthodoxies, highlight oft-suppressed views:

Almost instantly, these tweets spawned an intense debate about war, the military and history, with many expressing support for his expressed views and large numbers expressing outrage. In other words, McIntyre committed journalism: triggering discussion and examination of political claims rather than mindless recitation, ritualistic affirmation and compelled acceptance.

One outraged voice rose high above all the others: the nation’s communications minister, Communications Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, who quickly and publicly denounced McIntyre in the harshest possible terms:

Turnbull isn’t just any government minister. He runs the ministry that oversees SBS,McIntyre’s employer. The network’s funding comes overwhelmingly from the government in which Turnbull serves: “about 80 per cent of funding for the SBS Corporation is derived from the Australian Government through triennial funding arrangements.” Last year, the government imposed significant budget cuts on SBS, and Minister Turnbull who was credited with fighting off even bigger cuts —  –  publicly told them they should be grateful the cuts weren’t bigger, warning they likely could be in the future.



If you’re a craven SBS executive, nothing scares you more than having your journalists say something that angers the mighty Minister Turnbull (pictured, right, with Prime Minister Abbott). Turnbull. Within hours of Minister Turnbull’s denunciation of McIntyre, SBS’s top executives Managing Director Michael Ebeid and Director of Sport Ken Shipp tweeted a creepy statement announcing that McIntyre had been summarily fired. The media executives proclaimed that “respect for Australian audiences is paramount at SBS,” and condemned McIntyre’s “highly inappropriate and disrespectful comments via his twitter account which have caused his on-air position at SBS to become untenable.” They then took the loyalty oath to the glories of Anzac:

SBS apologises for any offence or harm caused by Mr McIntyre’s comments which in no way reflect the views of the network. SBS supports our Anzacs and has devoted unprecedented resources to coverage of the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings.

SBS supports our Anzacs and apparently bars any questioning or criticism of them. That mentality sounds like it came right from North Korea, which is to be expected when a media outlet is prohibited from saying anything that offends high government officials. Any society in which it’s a firing offense for journalists to criticize the military is a sickly and undemocratic one.

The excuses offered by SBS for McIntyre’s firing are so insulting as to be laughable. Minister Turnball denies that he made the decision even as he admits that, beyond his public denunciation, he “drew [McIntyre’s comments] to the attention of SBS’s managing director Michael Ebeid.” The Minister also issued a statement endorsing McIntyre’s firing, saying that “in his capacity as a reporter employed by SBS he has to comply with and face the consequences of ignoring the SBS social media protocol.” For its part, SBS laughably claims McIntyre wasn’t fired for his views, views but, rather, because his “actions have breached the SBS Code of Conduct and social media policy” as though he would have been fired if he had expressed reverence for, rather than criticism of, Anzac.

Notably, McIntyre’s firing had nothing to do with any claimed factual inaccuracies of anything he said. As  The Washington Post’s the Washington Post‘s Adam Taylor noted, historians and even a former prime minister Prime Minister have long questioned the appropriateness of this holiday given the realities of Anzac’s conduct and the war itself. As Australian history professor History Professor Philip Dwyer documented, McIntyre’s factual assertions are simply true. Whatever else one might say, the issues raised by McIntyre are the subject of entirely legitimate political debate, and they should be. Making it a firing offense for a journalist to weigh in on one side of that debate but not the other is tyrannical.

Part of this is driven by the dangers of state-funded media, which typically neuters itself at the altar alter of orthodoxy. In the U.S. the “liberal” NPR is, not coincidentally, the most extreme media outlet for prohibiting any expressions of views that deviate from convention, even firing two journalists for the crime of appearing at an Occupy Wall Street event.  Identically, NPR refused (and still refuses) to use the word “torture” for Bush interrogation programs because the U.S. government Government denied that it was; its ombudsman Ombudsman justified this choice by arguing that “the problem is that the word torture is loaded with political and social implications for several reasons, including the fact that torture is illegal under U.S. law and international treaties the United States has signed.” We can’t have a media outlet doing anything that might have “political and social implications” for high government officials!

The BBC is even worse: its director of news and current affairs, James Harding, actually said that they likely would not have reported on the Snowden archive if they were the ones who got it (which, just by the way, is one big reason they didn’t). Harding’s justification for that extraordinary abdication of journalism that there was a “deal” between the source and the media organizations to report the story as a “campaign” and the BBC cannot “campaign” was a complete fabrication; he literally just made up claims about a “deal.”

But his reasoning shows how neutered state-funded media inevitably becomes. Here’s one of the biggest stories in journalism of the last decade, one that sparked a worldwide debate about a huge range of issues, spawned movements for legislative reform, ruptured diplomatic relationships, changed global Internet internet behavior, and won almost every major journalism award in the West. west. And the director of news and current affairs of BBC says they likely would not have reported the story, one that in addition to all those other achievements happened to have enraged the British government to which the BBC must maintain fealty.

A different aspect of what the Australia firing shows is the scam of establishment journalists in defining “objectivity” to mean: “affirming societal orthodoxies.” Journalists are guilty of “opinionating” and “activism” only when they challenge and deviate from popular opinion, not when they embrace and echo it (that’s called “objectivity”). That’s why John Burns was allowed to report on the Iraq War for  The  the New York Times despite openly advocating for the war (including after it began), while Chris Hedges was fired for having opposed the war. It’s why McIntyre got fired for criticizing Anzac but no journalist would ever get fired for heaping praise on Anzac, even though the two views are equally “biased.” That’s because, as practiced, “journalistic objectivity” is compelled obeisance to the pieties of the powerful dressed up as something noble.

But what is at the heart of McIntyre’s firing is the real religion of the supposedly “secular West”: west”: mandated worship not just of its military but of its wars. The central dogma of this religion is tribal superiority: Our Side is more civilized, more peaceful, superior to Their Side.

McIntyre was fired because he committed blasphemy against that religion. It was redolent of how NBC News immediately organized a panel to trash its own host, Chris Hayes, after Hayes grievously sinned against this religion simply by pondering, on Memorial Day, whether all American soldiers are “heroes” (a controversy that died only after he offered some public penance). The church in which Americans worship this religion are public events such as football games, where fighter jets display their divinity as the congregation prays.

This is the religion of militarism and tribalism that is the one thriving and pervasive in the West.  west.  The vast, vast majority of political discourse about foreign policy especially from U.S. and British media commentators consists of little more than various declarations of tribal superiority: we are better and our violence is thus justified.The widespread desperation on the part of so many to believe that Muslims are uniquely violent, primitive and threatening is nothing more than an affirmation of this religious-like tribalism. And nothing guarantees quicker and more aggressive excommunication than questioning of this central dogma.

That’s why Scott McIntyre was fired: because he questioned and disputed the most sacred scared doctrine of the West’s west’s religion. In a free, healthy and pluralistic society, doing so would be the defining attribute of a journalist, the highest aim. But in societies that, above all else, demand unyielding tribal loyalty and subservient adherence to orthodoxies, it’s viewed as an egregious breach of journalism and gets you fired.

* * * * *

Just by the way, bestowing McIntyre with a free expression award would be actually meaningful and would take actual courage, since the speech for which he was punished is actually unpopular in the West west and offensive to numerous power centers. That is when defenses of free speech are most meaningful: when the prohibited speech is most threatening to, and thus most maligned by, those who wield the greatest power.

Photo of Photo: Prince Charles, Prince Harry, Australian Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott at Anzac Day celebration: Burhan Ozbilici/AP celebration (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

The post Cowardly Firing of Australian State-Funded TV Journalist Highlights the West’s Real Religion appeared first on The Intercept.

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3570 days ago
San Francisco, California
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The Thin Blue Line of Entitlement

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Something unnatural is happening in Portland, and Police Union President Daryl Turner isn't going to put up with it.

The proper order of things is upended. Black is white and white is black, cats and dogs cohabit. Madness!

A judge has disbelieved a cop.

Last week Circuit Judge Diana Stuart acquitted teenager Thai Gurule on juvenile charges of assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest, and attempted assault on a cop. She acquitted him even though the cops said he did it.

Is Judge Stuart some sort of pro-criminal agitator? Apparently. In an extensive written order she weighed the testimony of sworn police officers against irrelevant trifles like actual videorecordings of their encounter with Gurule. Even though the cops swore that Gurule threw punches at them, Judge Stuart disbelieved them simply because she could not see any punches on the cell phone videos. Is she some sort of video-fisticuffs expert? Worse than that, she specifically stated that she didn't find some of their testimony credible. As if they weren't cops.

But Police Union President Daryl Turner understands the natural order of things, even if this upstart judge doesn't.

First, Turner understands that when a cop uses force, that decision should be beyond judicial review, and their description of the event beyond question:

What is most discouraging is that when police officers respond to a call, those officers must now be concerned that someone sitting in hindsight, from the safety of a courtroom, will not only question their actions, but also their credibility.

Second, Turner understands that it is outrageous to say that a police officer's testimony might be untrue:

As a fact-finder, Judge Stuart may have disagreed with Sergeant Lille and Officers Hornstein and Hughes, but her disagreement with the officers' actions should not be a mark on their credibility.

Third, Turner understands what evidence is. Evidence is what a cop says it is, not what somebody thinks they can see on a video recording of events. Normal people can't see threats like cops can. They're invisible.

However, in this case, it was unfair and in conflict with well-established legal principles to question the credibility of the police officers involved in this case based on shaky cell phone video footage filmed from some distance away. Graham v. Connor states that the reasonableness of a use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer at the scene, and its calculus must embody an allowance for the fact that police officers are often forced to make split-second decisions as to the amount of force necessary in that particular situation. In other words, the officers' reasonable perceptions count, not video footage.

Fourth, Turner understands that being beaten and charged with a crime is insignificant next to the pain of negative public perception. The so-called system gives punks all sort of rights before you can jail them — but where is the due process before cops are subjected to skepticism?

What is also problematic is the uneven playing field that officers now operate under. A civilian charged with a crime, such as Mr. Gurule, is presumed innocent until proven guilty. On the other hand, with the national furor surrounding allegations of excessive force, police officers are now presumed guilty of misconduct and must prove that they acted appropriately.

Fifth, Turner knows that police are not merely entitled to our compliance. They're not merely entitled to our unquestioning obedience. No, police have a right for us not to hold evil thoughts about how they are part of a sick, brutal, lawless culture. That must end!

However, the presumption is that we want to harm the very people we are sworn to serve and protect. That sentiment must end. Not only is it untrue and unfair, it creates an insurmountable obstacle for police officers who simply want to do their jobs.

Turner is rightfully concerned. But rest easy, brave defender! This is America, and this acquittal is an aberration. Soon order will be restored, and we'll be back to the norm: police officers will be offered the privileges they deserve, people who dissent will find their place, cops' rights to vigorous self-defense will be unquestioned, and the world will remember that a cop's testimony is by definition the truth.

h/t Clark

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3596 days ago
San Francisco, California
3614 days ago
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3614 days ago
A case study on how grating long-term sarcasm can be. Also, how to cite your own website seven times in the space of a few paragraphs.
3615 days ago
Someone get Daryl Turner a fainting couch. Cops lie. Maybe as much, or even more than the average person—especially when it comes to defending their own.
Arlington, VA

Public domain victory! SpaceX photos now belong to you


It’s an exciting time for photographs from space. Last month, when Elon Musk’s privately held company SpaceX posted photos taken during a successful satellite launch, I noted that, unlike every picture NASA has ever taken, these wouldn’t enter the public domain immediately by default. It may have been an unintended side effect of the copyright rule about government works, but for whatever reason the public domain grew with each space photo, and that would be stopping. That’s a bummer, and I called for Elon Musk to fix it by dedicating his company’s new photos to the public domain.

This month, we’ve had a victory in two parts. First, after press inquiries and the like, SpaceX announced that it would be opening a repository of photos on Flickr, and that beyond just allowing public access, it would release those photos under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license. I don’t love NonCommercial licenses for a lot of reasons, but still, that was a nice show of good faith and I appreciated that a major company would take the effort.


But then another remarkable thing happened. When Musk tweeted about putting those photos online, somebody replied suggesting the public domain—and then Musk agreed. It was a remarkable exchange, and just a few minutes later he declared that he’d changed the license.

There was some confusion, as Flickr doesn’t generally allow photos to be marked as truly public domain—that would require a CC0 waiver, or a declaration that the photos otherwise have no restrictions—so on that platform they were instead set to the most permissive license available, Creative Commons Attribution. Jessamyn West wrote a great post explaining how that meant that the photos weren’t really in the public domain, for some purposes.

But on SpaceX’s own site, they are clearly marked with a CC0 waiver. And as such, they’ve been uploaded to platforms like the Wikimedia Commons, where they can bear the same freedoms. This may be a small campaign—targeting just one company, and not changing any systemic policies—but the victory is real and exciting. Thank you, Elon Musk, for setting an example and helping to grow the public domain.

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3604 days ago
San Francisco, California
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Strong Winds Carve Otherworldly Towers from Frozen Sand on the Shore of Lake Michigan

5 Comments and 19 Shares

DSC_8956 photo by Joshua Nowicki

DSC_8963 photo by Joshua Nowicki

DSC_8983 photo by Joshua Nowicki

DSC_8988 photo by Joshua Nowicki

DSC_9056 photo by Joshua Nowicki

IMG_9048 photo by Joshua Nowicki

While exploring the shores around St. Joseph, Michigan last week, photographer Joshua Nowicki stumbled onto a bizarre phenomenon: dozens of small sand towers rising out of the beach, some over a foot tall. The strange layered sand castles are formed when blasts of wind slowly erode layers of frozen sand, much like how a river might slowly create a canyon. Nowicki returned yesterday to shoot more photos, but found that sunny skies were enough to melt them away. You can see more of his photography here. (via EarthSky)

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3641 days ago
San Francisco, California
3643 days ago
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3641 days ago
lake michigan produces amazing ice and sand sculptures...
Idle, Bradford, United Kingdom
3642 days ago
They remind me of the hoodoos in Bryce Canyon National Park in the western USA.
3643 days ago
Sufficiently complex systems -> emergent art
3643 days ago
What an interesting phenomenon!
Duluth, MN
3644 days ago
Atlanta, GA

Google and blogs: “Shit.”

4 Comments and 10 Shares

Have a blog? How has your traffic been for the last year or two — say, since July 1, 2013?

Mine’s been clearly flat and slowly declining — the first time the trend has ever gone down — even in periods where I write a lot. I’ve talked to some friends who have seen similar plateaus and declines over the same period, also for the first time. Inbound links from bigger sites also aren’t worth as much as they used to be, suggesting that even big sites are struggling to maintain and grow their traffic.

Nobody’s really talking about it, but I suspect this is a wider trend: blogs aren’t dying, but they are significantly declining. 2015 might be a rough year.

In Is Google making the web stupid?, Seth Godin suggests that the declining prominence of organic results in Google searches is significantly to blame:

If you want traffic, Google’s arc makes clear to publishers, you’re going to have to pay for it.

Which is their right, of course, but that means that the ad tactics on every other site have to get ever more aggressive, because search traffic is harder to earn with good content. And even more germane to my headline, it means that content publishers are moving toward social and viral traffic, because they can no longer count on search to work for them. It’s this addiction to social that makes the web dumber. If you want tonnage, lower your standards.

(Don’t miss the cited Aaron Wall article as well.)

Shallow social-shareable listicles and clickbait headlines have always been plentiful on the web, but it does seem clear that they’re getting much worse and more dominant recently.

Google is making the problem worse, but they’re not the root problem. In fact, the real problem is a pretty big problem for Google, too:

Everyone’s spending increasingly more consumption time dicking around in apps and snacking on bite-sized social content instead of browsing websites and searching Google.

Publishers are relying more on social traffic not because Google’s squeezing them out, but because that’s where everyone went. The dominance of mobile usage, social networks, and YouTube, plus attention-competition from apps, are the real problems for web publishers and blog writers.

The social and app revolutions haven’t been purely additive — much of the time people spend on those now has come at the expense of search, RSS, and bookmarks.

Every hour we spend on Twitter or Facebook instead of reading and writing elsewhere is just making this worse — and I’m as guilty as anyone.

Social networks have powerful benefits and are here to stay. But like any trend, we’ve swung too far in that direction for our own good, as both producers and consumers. I hope the pendulum starts to swing back soon, because it hasn’t yet. It’s going to get worse before it gets better, if it ever does.

If we want it to get better, we need to start pushing back against the trend, modernizing blogs, and building what we want to come next.

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3643 days ago
3644 days ago
San Francisco, California
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3642 days ago
Ah, the age old question, "How does good content get to the people who want it and will value it?"
3644 days ago
What do we want to come next?
New York City
3644 days ago
Sweet sweet silence?
3644 days ago
New York, NY
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